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What is infant trauma?

Infant trauma, also known as pediatric injury, is often sustained by infants during the birthing process, especially during a difficult birth.  Every birth has the potential for complications, but a difficult delivery, where the birth canal is too small or the fetus is too large, may put the new baby at an extra risk for injury.  Any circumstance that will restrict the flow of blood or oxygen can cause infant trauma. 

Sometimes, infant trauma is readily apparent - if the new baby's limbs are limp and floppy, if the baby doesn't cry immediately or at all, or if the baby needs incubation to receive oxygen.  However, many times infant trauma is not noticeable until much later in the child's life.  Warning signs could be persistent late deceleration of the heart, a hematoma present at birth, forceps were used, feeding problems, your baby was bigger than expected, or your baby was blue, purple or dusky at birth.  
What can I do if I suspect infant trauma?  When infant trauma is ascertained, often the parents find themselves blaming each other.  While this reaction is natural, the blame is misplaced.  If you feel there may have been malpractice during the delivery that resulted in infant trauma, you should consult an experienced attorney who specifically handles birth injury and obstetrical malpractice cases as soon as possible.

Pediatric injuries are such a significant healthcare problem that associations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the US Preventative Services Task Force have all issued recommendations that injury prevention counseling be provided to families as part of the well-baby exam.  

How does infant trauma affect my baby?  

Trauma is the leading cause for infant mortality, potential years of life lost, and huge medical costs.  In addition to the heavy financial burden, infant trauma injuries lead to emotional anguish for the parents and to society.

Infant trauma can cause babies to miss milestones, potentially delay speaking, walking, talking, and sitting, and precipitate learning disabilities later in life.

If you are concerned that your baby may have shown symptoms of infant trauma or you fear that malpractice may have been committed by the obstetrics team during birth - call The Bronson Firm APC for a free consultation today.


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